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O’tgan yili yozda men dachatop.uz orqali dacha topgan edim, afsuski dachaga chiqadigan kunimizdan bir kun avval janoza bo’lib qoldi va biz dam olishga chiqa olmadik. Lekin, holatni tushuntirgan edik, dachatop.uz sayti adminstratorlari buni to’g’ri tushunishdi va to’langan zakladni qaytarib berishdi. Men Internet orqali turli sayt va kanallardan dacha olganman, yuqoridagi kabi holatlarda, zakladim kuyib ketardi 🙁

Клиент dachatop.uz

We are Korean family living in Tashkent. Whenever we feel like going to mountains and hiring a cottage we use dachatop.uz. They offer tried and tested cottages for the best price. The thing I like most is safety and reliability. I have had a bad experience with different people who help find cottages. I was cheated, lost my time and nerves. Luckily, one of my worker suggested to use dachatop.uz. Thank you for honest and reliable service!

Клиент dachatop.uz

Bir marta ulfatlar bilan juda zo’r dachaga chiqdik. Dachani makler bola topib bergan edi. Biz dachaga ikki kun uchun 16 million to’ladik. Bir do’stimiz dachatop.uz dan huddi shu dachani oddiy kunlar 4 million, shanba oddih kuniga 5 million ekanini ko’rsatdi. Bitta klientdan 6 million pul ishlashlik bu noinsoflik 😡 Shundan beri dacha olsam dachatop.uz dan olaman, nabodo ko’chadagi maklerdan olsam, saytga kirib narxini tekshiraman.

Клиент dachatop.uz

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